Types of Accreditations

CAC has made major changes over the decades that we have been operating, including broadening our Program Standards to represent a wider range of programs. When we were started, the focus was on supporting Child, Youth, and Family Programs, but we have evolved to better represent a wider focus, including health, adult, and individualized areas. As well as the program standards, CAC created the Enhanced Designations to recognize areas of specialty and ensure that the person served in those programs were being given the support they need.

To develop these standards, we have worked with groups of stakeholders to understand and develop the standards, reflective of the needs of the individuals in the programs. Below are some of the areas that we provide accreditation in, though please contact us to discuss your specific programing and how we can help to support you!

Types of Accreditation

Child, Youth, and Family

CAC has a rich history of providing services to organizations specializing in children, youth, and families, and we continue to improve upon those standards with each cycle. We offer a wide range of standard sets applicable to Child, Youth, and Family programs and organization, as well as the ability to combine these sets to better reflect the uniqueness of the programs in operation.

Addictions Programs

CAC understands the needs of individuals who participate in addictions programs. An enhanced designation has been created specifically to ensure that there is additional training in the area of addictions as well as the medical and clinical support required to operate this type of service.

Adult Programs

CAC first began with accreditation services for children, youth and families, but have since expended into a variety of areas, including programs for adults. Extensive research and expert feedback was used in the creation of these standards, ensuring that the unique needs of adults within programs have been taken into consideration and are reflected in the standards.

Community Health and Wellness Centres

Community Health Centres provide health care, health promotion and community development services to individuals who live in semi-isolated communities across Canada. CAC works closely with these organizations to provide standards that reflect the wide range of programs they offer, all of which share a similar goal in promoting healthy living, social connection, and the provision of necessary resources.

Indigenous Programs

CAC is committed to working in collaboration with First Nations communities to enhance programming through the process of accreditation. Standards supporting on-going learning about Indigenous history and culture, access to Indigenous resource people, and providing positive role models through recruiting and retaining Indigenous staff were first introduced in the 1999 Edition of Standards and remain embedded in the current editions. An enhanced designation for Indigenous or Cultural Programs also allows organizations to demonstrate the deeper uniqueness of their programming.

Employment Programs

These standards are designed to introduce individuals into the workforce by reviewing and supporting the development of basic skills necessary to pursue work opportunities. The focus is on the individuals in the program, from exploring their interests to increased competence, cumulating in obtaining and maintaining long term employment.

Homelessness and Shelter Programs

Homelessness and shelter programs are designed to provide food, shelter, and safety to individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Individuals who access these programs may need them for a single night, a few days, weeks, or even months. These programs could include providing services for specific groups such as Youth, Adults, Women, or those who require emergency shelter services. CAC also works with the Calgary Homeless Foundation (CHF) to accredit their programs using their Case Management Standards. If you would like to find out more about CHF, you can visit their site at www.calgaryhomeless.com.


As Canada’s population continues to age, the need for organizations that provide services to seniors increases. CAC has program types tailored to the needs of those individuals, from programs that offer basic living support to those that assist with the ongoing care of the individuals in their program.

Mental Health

Mental Health is a crucial dimension of overall health and an essential resource for living. Our standards for Mental Health Programs are designed to increase the individual’s capacity to feel, think, and act in ways that will enhance their ability to enjoy life and deal with challenges. These programs help to address various capacities, including relating to others, handling stress, evaluating challenges, and pursuing goals.

Nursing Stations

Nursing Stations operate across Canada, providing health care to isolated and semi-isolated communities. CAC has standards to help support the functions of these centres and the programming they offer.

Treatment and Wellness Centres

Treatment and Wellness Centre Programs to select populations, ensuring that their needs are met in the treatment they are pursuing. These standards have been developed with the needs of treatment centres in mind, including how the operations may be different depending on if it is an open admissions or closed cohort system.

Immigration Services

Immigration services programs respond to the unique needs of immigrants and refugees, such as assisting them in their settlement and adjustment, supporting their participation in Canadian society, and assisting them to overcome barriers. CAC has standards to help these organizations support the individual need of those using their services.