Volunteers form the backbone of CAC. It is only due to their commitment and dedication that we can do the work we do. Volunteers work with CAC throughout the organization, both as a part of our peer review process and as members of the committees that help us determine the direction of our organization and standards.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for CAC, there are several ways to get involved:

CAC uses a peer review process to accredit organizations, which means engaging individuals who work or have worked in the field and understand the needs of the persons served in a service context. The first level of volunteering for the review process is to become a Reviewer.
There are many benefits to becoming a Reviewer for CAC, including:
- Gaining insight into how different programs are run
- Bringing new information back to your program
- Better understanding the CAC standards and process for your own organization’s accreditation process
- Networking with other individuals from your field
A Reviewer’s main responsibilities during a survey are:
- Examining, understanding, and evaluating the organization’s self-study submission
- Participating in the Pre-Site Meeting to discuss the self-study submission and clarify areas of uncertainty
- Conducting the duties assigned by the Team Lead, including review of documentation and interviewing of staff and persons served while on-site
- Providing the findings of the On-Site Survey to the Administrative Reviewer for the compilation of the On-Site Report
Team Lead
Team Leads are volunteers who have been selected from among our current Reviewers to take on a leadership role in the accreditation process. Our Team Leads are provided with additional training in the areas of team dynamics and support for the organization, which they use along with their expertise and experience to ensure each review runs smoothly.
Team leads are individuals who:
- Have participated in at least 4 surveys
- Have a general understanding of the types and intent of the standards
- Can apply the standards in specific situations
- Are confident in their leadership skills
Along with completing the tasks outlined in the Reviewer description, the Team Lead’s main responsibilities are:
- Leading the Pre-Site Meeting, the introduction at the On-Site Survey, and the Exit Interview
- Delegating duties and responsibilities to team members on-site
- Making the final decision when team consensus is not achieved
- Keeping the organization/program liaison informed of the progress
If you are identified as a potential Team Lead, you will be contacted by a member of CAC to pursue the application process.

Committees convened by CAC accomplish a lot of work behind the scenes. These committees are made up of volunteers who donate their time to help us continue to improve.
Some examples of CAC committees are:
- The Process Review Committee
- The Accreditation Panel
- The Quality Improvement Committee
- The Indigenous Council
- Ad Hoc Committees (as necessary)
- Periodic Focus Groups
From time to time, positions on our committees become available and we are always looking for qualified people who would be interested in taking part. If you are interested in participating, please continue to check the Join Our Team page for information about openings or contact our office by telephone at 780-424-4498 or by email at admin@cacohs.com for more information.